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Community Advisory Group

The Community Advisory Group (CAG) is a collection of community representatives and serves as the focal point for the exchange of information between government entities and the local community.

The CAG is made up of representatives of diverse community interests, local government officials, community representatives, property owners and residents, and stakeholders with technical expertise. The CAG assists the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in making better decisions on transportation related projects that benefit the community and environment.

Upcoming Community Advisory Group Meeting #2

Community Advisory Group Meeting #2 for the Illinois 120 PEL Study will be held on Thursday, August 29, 2024 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The meeting will take place in Conference Room A013 on the Lower Level of the A Wing at the College of Lake County Grayslake Campus. The college is located at 19351 W. Washington St. Grayslake, IL 60030.

Please see the campus map below which identifies visitor parking areas nearest the A Wing entrance. For individuals who wish to join the meeting, but are unable to attend in person, please use the Zoom link or dial in number provided below to join the meeting virtually.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 938 1148 8752

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799

One tap mobile

Campus Map

College of Lake County Grayslake Campus

What can you Expect as a Member of the Community Advisory Group?

It is anticipated that this project will have up to six CAG meetings to review the information necessary to complete this Planning and Environmental Linkages Study. Meetings will generally be scheduled during normal business hours and may be in person or virtual. CAG members will be responsible for attending or designating a representative to attend the CAG meetings, providing general input on the study, communicating to stakeholders outside the CAG, and collaborating with the Department. The Study Team anticipates up to six (6) CAG meetings from May 2024 through 2025.

Participants will be asked to understand and adhere to the following ground rules:

  • All input from all participants in the process is valued and considered.
  • All participants must come to the process with an open mind and participate openly and honestly.
  • All participants in the process must treat each other with respect and dignity.
  • The project must progress at a reasonable pace, based on the original project schedule.
  • All participants understand that topics will not be revisited once the issues have been addressed and a general understanding is reached.
  • The Department will make a final recommendation on a preferred alternative.
  • Members of the media are welcome to attend the meetings as observers, not participants in the process.

For further information, please call Corey Smith, Illinois Department of Transportation District 1, at (847) 705-4103 or e-mail to

Community Advisory Group Meeting Summaries