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About the IL 120 PEL Study

A Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study is a federal study process that provides a collaborative approach to transportation decision-making. It brings together experts, community members, and organizations to consider potential transportation improvements, and what the resulting impacts would be.

The Illinois 120 PEL study analyzes current and future traffic and safety data along with community, environmental, and economic considerations on Illinois 120 from Illinois 60 to Almond Road in Lake County. Through the PEL study, IDOT will determine project purpose and need as well as a range of improvement alternatives to be carried forward for further study as potential future projects.

Study Goals and Objectives

Through stakeholder, agency, and public input, the Study Team seeks to establish a shared corridor vision and identify a range of alternatives that will:

  • Increase safety for all roadway users
  • Reduce congestion and delays as population grows
  • Provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity
  • Accommodate future regional transportation improvements
  • Minimize impacts to environmental resources

Study Schedule

  • Spring 2024: Analyze Existing Conditions, Gather Stakeholder Issues and Needs, and Public Meeting #1
  • Summer 2024: Develop Purpose and Need and Identify Possible Alternatives
  • Fall 2024: Evaluate and Screen Alternatives and Public Meeting #2
  • Winter 2024 to 2025: Public Meeting #2
  • Spring/Summer 2025: Public Meeting #3
  • Summer 2025: Select Alternatives to be Carried forward and PEL Study Complete